A Walking Dead Inspired Nerf Modification

Crossfire Right

Just a quick post this week. I’m currently surrounded by commissions, and projects for WyvaCon 2015. This year I will be offering modified blasters for sale, along with my painted blasters and other props. This is one such piece.

Crossfire Left

A Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow has been used by Norman Reedus. Bearing this in mind, I decided that I needed to make this blaster more worthy of the great Daryl Dixon. To that end, this Crossfire Bow has been given a basic OD green and black paint job. I kept the orange for the sake of safety.

Crossfire Front

Beyond the paint job, this blaster has been upgraded with a OMW 7kg spring. With the plunger re-lubricated, it packs quite a punch. Look for it at my booth at WyvaCon, come July 25th.

I’ve got to get back to working on commissions. Thanks for reading

Review: Nerf N-Strike Elite Crossbolt

Crossbolt Right

I have been curious about the Crossbolt since its existence was revealed in the Hasbro 2015 line-up leak. At the time, I figured that it would be just another flywheel blaster, albeit a bullpup with a crossbow design. When it became known that the crossbow styling was not merely for show, my curiosity became anticipation.

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An Old Blaster for a New Generation

A good friend of mine has a young son, who has become enamored with his father’s Nerf Blasters. They play a game that they call “Collect the Dots.” My friend will use his Nerf Vortex blasters to launch “dots” down the hall. His son will then rush to retrieve them for his father.

While the boy loves to play with the blasters, he is still developing the fine motor skills necessary to operate them without help. My friend wanted to get a blaster that was small enough for his son to hold, yet had a priming mechanism and trigger that he could easily operate, so he asked me for some recommendations.* After having the boy try out several of my smaller blasters, we found that the best bet would be one of the old Strikefire/Crossfire blasters from the early Nerf Dart Tag line. While these are no longer being produced, I still have a few left in my collection.

We chose this blaster because it has a large trigger with an open trigger guard. My friend’s son had problems getting enough fingers on the smaller triggers of other blasters. However, the slide priming mechanism was a little awkward for him, so I figured that we could make him a custom blaster that solved that problem. This is the result.

Left Side

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